Top 10 reasons why Lennox dealers mail newsletters to their customers

  1. Newsletters reinforce loyalty.
    Lennox dealers have a unique opportunity to build customer relationships that last a lifetime. Satisfied customers service their HVAC equipment with a dealer they know and trust, and are loyal to that dealer when it comes time to purchase home comfort equipment and services.
  2. Newsletters sell products and services.
    The articles in Changing Seasons educate your customers on home comfort products and services, reaching them in a format in which they can understand and relate to as homeowners. It also keeps them informed on HVAC industry news, including recent awards your company may have received, the latest products, and tips for keeping their equipment running efficiently.
  3. Newsletters generate high ROI (Return On Investment).
    Lennox dealers sending custom newsletters generate ROI many times over the cost of the newsletter from service coupons alone. We can even help you calculate your ROI from sales generated from an article or coupon in Changing Seasons.
  4. Newsletters are prospecting tools.
    The articles for each issue are fresh, informative, high-impact, creative and always written to lead the customer to your business. The dealer customization also allows you to publicize all of your services including heating, cooling, duct cleaning, plumbing, service contracts, and any other HVAC industry-specific topics.
  5. Newsletters separate you from the competition.
    When your customers receive Changing Seasons, they’ll instantly recognize your company as a cut above the rest. That’s because many HVAC dealers don’t include a customer newsletter in their direct mail marketing plans, believing there simply aren’t the resources to produce a high-quality customer newsletter. With Changing Seasons, your customers will receive a newsletter the competition can only dream of.
  6. Newsletters establish regular communication.
    You and your customers both benefit from regular communication as a result of direct mail marketing. Your newsletter tells your customers what’s new in the HVAC industry and your latest company news. Use the newsletter to promote new specials, HVAC industry news, products and services, thank your customers for their business and note changes in hours or staff.
  7. A well-produced newsletter establishes a bond with customers.
    Direct mail marketing gives your dealership the opportunity to promote your products and HVAC industry services and provide a forum to communicate one-to-one with customers. A newsletter is seen as targeted and informative communication — not an advertisement that gets tuned out.
  8. Newsletters are flexible.
    Changing Seasons offers you plenty of room to spotlight key employees, and even highlight new services to keep your customers calling. Use it to generate immediate revenue by offering attention-getting coupons. You choose how to use your custom space. And don’t hesitate to ask for guidance. After 25 years of creating successful HVAC industry newsletters, we can give you plenty of creative ideas.
  9. Newsletters are the best value for your marketing/ advertising dollars.
    Newsletters focus on customer retention, and every HVAC industry dealer knows it’s easier and less expensive to keep a customer than acquire a customer. At pennies per copy, Changing Seasons is an economical way to keep your customers coming back to you — not your competition.
  10. Newsletters provide maximum benefits for minimal costs.
    Newsletters are referred to as a company’s “workhorse.” Review this list, because you can’t get benefits like these from any other form of communication. Spend only pennies per copy and leave your competition in the dust!

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